楽天市場ショップ・オブ・ザ・イヤー2011 生活家電大賞受賞! (左)賞状を持つ楽天店長 Iさん (中央)僕・のぶひろ (右)盾を持つ Tさん
ムラウチドットコム 楽天市場ショップ・オブ・ザ・イヤー2011 生活家電大賞受賞!


勤務地:八王子市 - Webエンジニア、Webプログラマー、Webデザイナー
I turned 44 years old today. The number 44 is brilliant because the number 4 means aspiration in Japanese and there are two of them.
Then, it is perhaps not appropriate to say this myself, but excellent news came the other day as if in celebration of my birthday!
murauchi.com Winning the Electric Home Appliances Prize of Rakuten-ichiba's shop of the year 2011!
This birthday present is the best for me. It goes without saying that this couldn't have happened without our customers' support and the all-out daily effort of our employees.
Although we still have some shortcomings, I believe our employees always think about our customers and work hard and seriously.
I'm quite glad! I'm so grateful.
For the universe and for humankind, for our nation and for our company, and also for our precious customers and our employees' families, I, Nobuhiro Murauchi, 44 years of age, and all of the staff will do our best.
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2012年 44歳 今日から
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2047年 79歳 日本人男性 平均寿命(79.64歳)
村内伸弘@ムラウチ ドットコム.。.:*・゚☆.。.